This Random Act of Kindess (RAOK) from a stranger turned my day around. It gave me hope that there are kind people out there. I decided that he was my angel.
After tweeting about the kind gesture, I received a reply back from @UOWHO, telling me to pay it forward, and that's how I came to learn about this wonderful company that makes these bracelets.
The idea behind them is to wear one, do something nice for someone, punch out one of the 10 tabs and pass the bracelet on to the recipient. Then they do the same, and so on...and so on... and in the end it will make 10 happier people on earth!
When I received my bracelet I wore it daily for over a week. I wanted to make sure my RAOK was a heartfelt one. The bracelet made me aware of strangers around me and I kept searching for the perfect person to pass it on to.
Back at Trader Joe's again...more wine, more chocolate...and I spotted some beautiful yellow daffodils in a woman's cart. Daffodils were one of my Mom's favorite springtime flowers. She used to get so excited after a cold snowy winter in Utah to see the first sign of spring poking up from the ground. My Mom's birthday had just passed, she would've been 75 this year, and I wanted a part of her in this process. She was the most generous soul I've ever met...so Daffodils were going to be my gift to someone.
Who??? Hmmm....had to be the perfect person, who didn't expect it. Now at my car loading my groceries, Daffodils in hand...I'm scanning the parking lot. There she was. A Mom, getting out of her SUV with two little boys on a Friday afternoon. I'm a mother of two boys also, so I know how hectic your days can be. She would be the next owner of the bracelet I decided.
She was surprised, and pleased and loved the whole concept of the bracelet. I'm sure she'll pass it on, if she hasn't already. I drove away feeling happy for her...and happier myself. Daffodils are a sign of hope that brighter days are ahead.