If you want to read about celebrity gossip and judge for yourself if Christina Aguilera's boobs are real or not then read Freaky Friday...Christina Aguilera by RavenX. Her blog "Dirty Pretty Things to Ponder" is filled with fun little Hollywood tidbits, and fashion trends. Don't miss her article about the Heel-Less Wonders , how do they walk in them??? I'm still pondering that one!
Another blog I stumbled upon on flickr was The Knitting Blog-by Mr. Puffy the Dog. Being a dog lover I first was pulled in by Mr. Puffy the beagle...but soon discovered that Mr. Puffy's Mom is a fantastic knitter. Hanging in the OC showcases her beautiful knitwork...and of course Mr. Puffy does some modeling too! Be sure to check out My Retro-Fitted Skirt !
I am always looking for interesting blogs to read. These look good!
Thanks for sharing! I love reading blogs and making new blog friends.
Thanks for the referrals. It can be overwhelming when looking at blogs. I prefer reading blogs of etsy sellers like myself so I tend to check out the blog threads on the forumns.
Thank you for including mine - I'm very flattered!
When I'm down in San Clemente I would love to meet up for coffee sometime.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying them! I'm thinking about making this a weekly feature so if you think your blog is cool post a link and I'll check it out!
I'd love to meet Mr. Puffy! Let me know next time you're in SC and we'll chat over coffee!
I knew you'd already been "tagged" or I would have tagged you today. Gave you a mention anyway! Thought of you on the way to San Diego.
Very cool idea! I'll have to check out that beagle blog since I have a beagle.
Blog surfing is always fun! Thanks!
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